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Statement Furniture


ESCAPING - signed and dated 22/11/2018

1m x 1m

We are delighted to have the work of Sarah Williams on show in our office - the paintings are from a collection entitled The Given. Each of these wonderful pieces work so well with mid century decor. Our photographs form the description of this painting titled ‘Escaping’.

Eden is a collection of paintings about the vulnerability of the planet to climate change visually pointing out our responsibility to protect it and what could happen if we fail to do so.

Mixing abstract with the literal using a multitude of mediums, Sarah's preference being oil paint, a confessed oil paint addict.

Sarah graduated from Norwich School Of Art in 1984 with a first class BA Hons in fine art painting after having won The Stowells Trophy was awarded an unconditional place to study MA painting at the Royal Academy.

She comes from a family of creative talent. Her father Reg Williams was a famous painter and member of the York Four.

Her life as a creator and innovative artist was set out early, starting at 8 years old with her first public exhibition. During her three years at Norwich School Of Art she exhibited regularly in the art school and surrounding areas as well as Norwich Castle and visited Switzerland where she exhibited and worked with Kurt Rupe, after leaving Norfolk she exhibited in galleries around England and has had her own businesses in Interior Design, Architectural Design, Furniture Design and Jewellery.

You can follow Sarah on Instagram sarah_williams_painter


Height: 100cm
Width: 100cm


UK delivery is £60 by dedicated courier. Items can be collected in person by appointment from WF14 8NA